Tree Applications
Both Oakington and Westwick have Conservation Areas. If significant work is to be done on a tree in a conservation area a Tree Application has to be made to the District Council.
Follow this link for information about Tree Applications.
Attending Planning Discussions
If you would like to be present at the discussion of a planning application, this is likely to take place at the first or second Parish Council meeting after the application is published here. Look out for agendas of imminent meetings on this website or posted on Parish Council notice boards around the area to see when the discussion is due to take place. Members of the public have the opportunity to make a short comment or ask a short question near the start of all meetings. Tree Applications may not be discussed at a public meeting, please contact the Clerk to the Council as early as possible if you have any particular concern about one of these.
Other Applications
It is also possible to view all standard Planning applications for the Parish.
To view all planning applications from South Cambridgeshire District Council click here choose "Advanced" and select the Parish name from the list, and a sensible date range to show the applications.